

Parish Council Mailing List

If you wish to receive emails from us about meetings and village events, please sign-up using the boxes on the right-hand side of the website homepage.  We only store your name and email address, and don't share this information with anyone else.  We hope you'll want to keep in touch with us; we want to [...]

By |May 22nd, 2018|

Control of Ragwort Spread

Under The Weeds Act 1959, landowners are required to take action to prevent the spread of specified weeds, including ragwort, which can present a risk to horses.  The website of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) provides useful guidance about how its spread can be controlled.

By |October 2nd, 2017|

Community Oil Buying

WERN can help people to save money when purchasing heating oil, by combining orders from individuals and placing a bulk order once a month, at the lowest available price.  Full details on the West of England Rural Network (WERN) website.

By |July 14th, 2017|