Update from Hinkley Connection Project:

“We’re sorry that the works outlined below at Caswell Hill/Caswell Lane have yet to start. We have received revised dates from our contractors of Monday 2 December to Wednesday 11 December.Hinkley Connection Project UPDATE: Works on Caswell Hill near Portbury to take place under temporary traffic lights.”

Hinkley Connection Project: Revised dates for works on Caswell Hill under temporary traffic lights.

“Following our recent email about these upcoming works, we are writing to inform you that our contractors have had to postpone the start date to Monday 25 November.

The works will run until 4 December. We apologise for this further change and any confusion caused.

Between these dates we will remove our temporary road access and reinstate the kerbs and gate entrance near the junction with Caswell Lane and Caswell Hill next to the M5 overbridge.

Three-way temporary traffic lights will be in place along Caswell Hill and Caswell Lane from 25 November until 4 December.

They will be manned during our weekday working hours of 07:00 – 17:00 and automated outside of these times.

We will make every effort to safely complete this work in the shortest possible time.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the community relations team on 0800 377 7347 or by email at .”