Welcome to the website of Clapton-in-Gordano Parish Council
Clapton in Gordano is a rural village in North Somerset close to Portishead and Clevedon.
Its most famous building is the Black Horse pub named around the time of the thriving local coal industry.
There are numerous listed buildings – mainly ancient Somerset farms. Clapton Court Farm dates from the 15th century and the Church of St Michael dates from Norman times.
See also the Wikipedia.
The Parish Council has six members and meets every two months usually on the fourth Thursday at 7.30 pm in a room at the Black Horse. Dates of meetings may vary according to public notice. Members of the public are most welcome to attend and may speak during the public participation item of the agenda. Parish Council Meeting Dates.
Notice of Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Tickenham Hill, Tickenham North Somerset 13th April
Notice of Temporary Traffic Regulation Order
Tickenham Hill, Tickenham North Somerset
Temporary Prohibition of Use by Vehicles Order 2025
Date coming Into Force: 13th April 2025
Ref: SW24.25-305
Notice is hereby given that North Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, intend to make an order the effect of which will be to close, temporarily, to vehicles the lengths of roads specified in the Schedule to this Notice. Exemptions are included for emergency services, works access, works vehicles and as works permit for premises which may […]
Spring Village tidy up 16th March
The Parish Council will be participating in a Spring village tidy up on the 16th March from 10am meeting outside the Black Horse pub until about 12
All welcome (including children) it’s a great opportunity to have a walk around the village and makes a real difference to our environment
**Compulsory Hi-vis vests, gloves, litter pickers etc will be provided**
Bristol Airport Masterplan 2040
Bristol Airport Masterplan 2040
The consultation will run from 25 November to 31 January. Details and information about the proposals can be found on their website:
A369 Portbury Hundred – Roadside LED lighting upgrades
A369 Portbury Hundred – Roadside LED lighting upgrades
The lighting on the A369 Portbury Hundred and the M5 (between junctions 18 and 19) is being upgraded to newer and more efficient LED lighting.
To keep disruption to a minimum, they will be working overnight when traffic flows are at their lowest.
Closure information- The A369 Portbury Hundred will be closed overnight (from 8pm to 6am) on Thursday 21 November and Friday 22 November.
A clearly signed diversion route will be in place. Traffic will be diverted via the A369, B3129, B3130 and B3124.
This work is subject to favourable weather conditions, for example heavy rain […]
Hinkley Connection Project: Works on Caswell Hill
Update from Hinkley Connection Project:
“We’re sorry that the works outlined below at Caswell Hill/Caswell Lane have yet to start. We have received revised dates from our contractors of Monday 2 December to Wednesday 11 December.Hinkley Connection Project UPDATE: Works on Caswell Hill near Portbury to take place under temporary traffic lights.”
Hinkley Connection Project: Revised dates for works on Caswell Hill under temporary traffic lights.
“Following our recent email about these upcoming works, we are writing to inform you that our contractors have had to postpone the start date to Monday 25 November.
The works will run until 4 December. We […]
Traffic calming measures
The Parish Council is aware that there are currently quite a few traffic issues within the village which are made worse with diversions.
We have some suggestions that you can all do to help us keep track of the issues, these are:
o Follow our progress here and on our face book page
o Measure and report the scale of the problem to us. We will be collating and reporting to NSC where appropriate.
o Report all incidents regarding Highway maintenance to https://n-somerset.gov.uk/do-it-online/report-or-request-services
Report all highway improvement requests to northsomerset-gov.welcomesyourfeedback.net/s/99m86n
All PC complaints and issues will benefit […]