Welcome to the website of Clapton-in-Gordano Parish Council

Clapton in Gordano is a rural village in North Somerset close to Portishead and Clevedon.

Its most famous building is the Black Horse pub named around the time of the thriving local coal industry.

There are numerous listed buildings – mainly ancient Somerset farms. Clapton Court Farm dates from the 15th century and the Church of St Michael dates from Norman times.

See also the Wikipedia.

The Parish Council has six members and meets every two months usually on the fourth Thursday at 7.30 pm in a room at the Black Horse. Dates of meetings may vary according to public notice. Members of the public are most welcome to attend and may speak during the public participation item of the agenda. Parish Council Meeting Dates.


  • road closed

Traffic calming measures

The Parish Council is aware that there are currently quite a few traffic issues within the village which are made worse with diversions.

We have some suggestions that you can all do to help us keep track of the issues, these are:

o Follow our progress here and on our face book page
o Measure and report the scale of the problem to us. We will be collating and reporting to NSC where appropriate.
o Report all incidents regarding Highway maintenance to https://n-somerset.gov.uk/do-it-online/report-or-request-services
Report all highway improvement requests to northsomerset-gov.welcomesyourfeedback.net/s/99m86n
All PC complaints and issues will benefit […]

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Flower Troughs

The summer is sadly coming to an end but the village still remains full of colour with the beautiful flowers and the new troughs.

The Parish Council would like to once again thanks those who made financial contributions to purchase the flower troughs, those who attended on the 23rd June to help with the installation and also the trio who have diligently been watering all the flowers to keep them blossoming- Penny J, Carol and Mandi.

  • OIP

Parish Councillor vacancy

We are still looking for another Parish Councillor to join us.
If you are interested please contact either myself or one of the councillors.
My details can be found here:

To become a Parish Councillor you must meet the following criteria:
-British or a citizen of the Commonwealth.
You may also be eligible as a citizen of the European Union, however the criteria has changed now that the UK has left the European Union. Please check on the gov.uk website for advice about EU citizens’ voting and candidacy rights in local elections.
-At least 18 years old.
-Registered to vote in the […]

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King Charles III Portrait

The Parish Council was able to apply for a portrait of King Charles III to display in the place where they hold their meetings.
We are pleased to say the portrait can be found in the annex at The Black Horse.

  • Road Closed

Caswell Lane, Clapton-in-Gordano North Somerset

Final Notice (3) of Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Caswell Lane, Portbury North Somerset

Temporary Prohibition of Use by Vehicles Order 2024
Ref: SW24.25-043

Notice was hereby given that North Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14(1) of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, have made an order the effect of which will be to close, temporarily, to
vehicles the lengths of roads specified in the Schedule to this Notice. Exemptions are included for emergency
services, works access, works vehicles and as works permit for premises which may only be accessed via the
closed section of […]

  • Road Closed

Nortons Wood Lane, Clapton-in-Gordano North Somerset

Nortons Wood Lane, Clevedon, NORTH SOMERSET
Notice is hereby given that North Somerset Council, under section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended will,
by virtue of this Notice, for a period of up to twenty one days commencing on the 26th June 2024 will close, temporarily to
vehicles the length of Nortons Wood Lane outside property Greenwood. However, the closures may not be implemented for the
whole of the period but only as necessitated by the works which is anticipated to be of 1 day in duration.
The above restriction is necessary because of […]