Final Notice (3) of Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Caswell Lane, Portbury North Somerset

Temporary Prohibition of Use by Vehicles Order 2024
Ref: SW24.25-043

Notice was hereby given that North Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14(1) of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, have made an order the effect of which will be to close, temporarily, to
vehicles the lengths of roads specified in the Schedule to this Notice. Exemptions are included for emergency
services, works access, works vehicles and as works permit for premises which may only be accessed via the
closed section of road.

This order came into force on 16th May 2024 for a maximum period of eighteen months & was required because of the likelihood of danger to the public consequent upon work by Openreach to replace a pole. However, the closures may not be implemented for the whole of the period but only as necessitated by the works which is anticipated to commence 5 September 2024 & be of 1 day in duration between 8.30hrs & 15.30hrs.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed when the measures are in force.


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